Southfork Memoirs
The Dallas Terrys have gone country- our story of life on the Ranch!
Friday, October 21, 2011
a good laugh
We drove our sweet blessings to their incredible "Mimi and Pops" house before we took off for Africa! I held their little hands most of the 4.5 hr drive there. Gave them lots of kisses and trying my best to be strong.
When it was time to say our final farewels I was trying my best to hold it all in and be strong for the kids. Then, my FIL "pops" got down on his knees, held our hands and prayed for us. What a gift that couldn't be measured with adjectives and eloquent phrases.
Elyana looked at me with all the longing in her little heart as if to say, "I thought the world revolved around ME. Who am I going to snuggle with!?!"
Then to make matters worse, my sweet boy looked straight through me and cupped my face in his little three year old hands. He said, "mama, are you going to cry and cry?" "I'm going to try my best not to. Do you want me to?" He shook his head in dramatic fashion and said, "No mama, I dont'." He gave me a big hug and said, "I'm going to miss you so much."
I left and cried most of our way to Dallas. We didn't talk much. I think Joe knew I needed some time and he gave it to me with such grace. We arrived in Dallas late at night, slept for a few hours and got up too early to grab our first flight.
The first leg of our flight was from DFW to Raleigh, NC. We have been here I have never been in an airport this long. ever.
We have enjoyed our time . We have even had a little mini vision retreat right in the middle of the airport. We have laughed, dreamed, and been silly. We have walked this terminal tens of times, stretched, done calistenics, read, caught up on past emails, he's done some business, had those little chair massages, we ate some yummy CPK, and I'm doing my best to make him laugh. (Laugh count is at 4).
One of my wedding presents from Joe was that I had no idea he was hilarious until our honeymoon. I gained a few stomach muscles that week. My prayer is that God would give me wit that I never knew was possible and that this week Joe would find that I can be funny too. I take myself way too serious so if this is accomplished, then this will be nothing short of a little miracle.
We are about to hop on an overnight plane to London and hope to update more soon! Much <3
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
beautiful exchange
Its approaching bedtime at the Terry household today, I began to lay down Isaac. I was just about to tell him a story when he said, "You know mom, there is this girl in my class at the Austin Stone named Story and she is cute."
Internal mama gasp. Yet... I tried to keep calm and carry on. I even made "Story" the central character of our naptime story. Take that toddler crush.
Then just after naptime the little miss came up to me with shorts she had gotten out of her drawer and says, "Mama, dese (these) not cute." I could not believe my ears that I asked my 21 month old to repeat herself. She said it again verbatim.
The mother/daughter clothes debate has begun.
If that were not enough for one day, tonight Isaac says to me, "mama, you know when you were acting ugly on Monday. Are you sorry for that?"
Its good thing that the day started off with Isaac reminding sister me about the beautiful exchange. :)
I'm ending where we began.
Here we come
Joe and I have been talking this year about sneaking away, just the two of us. We haven't been on a week long vacation since our honeymoon. We figured that since I am not pregnant (unfortunately) but we know God has perfect plan for my womb.
Then, once we receive our adoption referral then we plan to focus intently on attachment. So, we figured that this fall was the perfect time.
We began to research Italy and spent time sitting in the travel section of B & N. But a few months ago, Joe was reading his Bible and praying. He felt like we were to take our rendezvous to Africa. We prayed and collected all kinds of information.
We cashed in some miles and we are taking a wild, whirl wind kind of a trip. We are going to be gone for 9 whole days.
Then, on Friday Obama calls in some special ops troops to Central Africa. Perfect.
Sweet friends, the rubber meets the road.
And my family is in a tizzy. They have emailed us the links, asked about life insurance, confirmed our wills, and we have given them final farewells. Okay...maybe not that extreme. We love them and are so thankful they love us.
Rest assured, we have talked to our contacts there. We shouldn't be in any dangerous areas and if the special ops troops are there, then they say we should be in even better hands.
We know whose hands we are in anyways.
I do not superwoman faith because believe me, every ounce of it will be tested when I kiss my babies good bye and hop on that plane.
When we were leaving for a weekend getaway in May I was an emotional wreck. Now, a 9 day exodus from my kids for a recovering control freak, helicopter mom, and micromanaging mama like yours truly is a recipe for nightmares, unexplained emotional fits, and hyperventilating.
What's weird is I'm kind of excited. This emotion feels strangely akward and out of place, but I kind of like it.
We have been talking to the kids about it for weeks trying to help them be prepared for our absence. We had communicated that we were just going to serve that we weren't coming home with a baby. Somehow that got lost in translation. Isaac came running into our bedroom one morning exclaiming, "I'm so excited to get baby Africa! I'm so excited to get baby Africa." Joe gently re-explained what we were doing and that we were not bringing our baby home this time. Our sweet boy buried his head into Joe's chest and broke into the ugly cry, shoulders shaking and all. When God does it in one; I'm so thankful He has done it in us all.
Without any further rambling, Will you come with us? I have always dreamed of getting to see the beautiful people of Africa and to see God through their dark brown eyes. Friends, I have dreamed so many of your faces being tucked inside my suitcase: how we could giggle as we fold some clothes in the orphanage basment or could pray that orphanage right on into heaven. Or have a blast trying. Who's in??? I'm not sure what our internet access will be, but I will do my best to share along the way.
I would love if you would be praying with us:
1. We would be a blessing to the Babies Home. We would honor them and the Lord through the week that we will be there.
2. Although we will be serving, that it would feel like a second honeymoon. Joe and I would have romantic times together, set off some new sparks, rekindle old ones, and relish the ones we've got.
3. We would have vision and clarity about the season we are in currentlly.
4. Oh, and safety. We would have uneventful travels and a safe stay.
You are the best of friends and I'm so thankful you are mine.
I love you with all my heart.
in His arms
We were involved with some training that the Austin Stone provided with the 100 people network. Oh, it was so great and stuff I wish I would have known five years ago. Sigh...onward we go.
We were sitting at a round table discussion during the training. Sitting at our table was, Rick Barnes' son. He is leaving to an undisclosed country (read: unreached country and dangerous).
Then, this last Sunday he happens to come sit in front of us. Just watching him worship stirred a deep place in my heart. I thought of his mother who will hug him good bye and send him off to a country that is politically unstable and persecutes Christians without batting an eye.
At the same time, Elyana is sleeping in my arms. Almost every Sunday for the last 7 months, while the drums are thumping and the bass blaring Elyana has fallen asleep.
That may sound normal except our church has a cute basket of ear plugs by the entrance and it sounds a little like this. But a whole lot louder in person.
Every week it amazes me. This child who, relatively speaking, sleeps in the quiet of our home the solace of her crib falls asleep during a worship jam session.

Out cold. She usually goes on to sleep through the sermon (hundreds of people laughing, clapping, and a pastor passionately sharing the Word) and doesn't wake up until the last Amen.
Some would say she is the ultimate church baby. What God has been whispering to me is "I have a point to make to you, Melissa."
True worship is resting. Resting in His sovereignty, resting in His goodness, resting in His ability.
I don't have to hurry and be busy. Worship is minute by minute trusting that I am in His arms and the world is orchestrated by His hands.
We were sitting at a round table discussion during the training. Sitting at our table was, Rick Barnes' son. He is leaving to an undisclosed country (read: unreached country and dangerous).
Then, this last Sunday he happens to come sit in front of us. Just watching him worship stirred a deep place in my heart. I thought of his mother who will hug him good bye and send him off to a country that is politically unstable and persecutes Christians without batting an eye.
At the same time, Elyana is sleeping in my arms. Almost every Sunday for the last 7 months, while the drums are thumping and the bass blaring Elyana has fallen asleep.
That may sound normal except our church has a cute basket of ear plugs by the entrance and it sounds a little like this. But a whole lot louder in person.
Every week it amazes me. This child who, relatively speaking, sleeps in the quiet of our home the solace of her crib falls asleep during a worship jam session.

Out cold. She usually goes on to sleep through the sermon (hundreds of people laughing, clapping, and a pastor passionately sharing the Word) and doesn't wake up until the last Amen.
Some would say she is the ultimate church baby. What God has been whispering to me is "I have a point to make to you, Melissa."
True worship is resting. Resting in His sovereignty, resting in His goodness, resting in His ability.
I don't have to hurry and be busy. Worship is minute by minute trusting that I am in His arms and the world is orchestrated by His hands.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Ranch Glimpse
You can't go anywhere without forcibly being confronted with the affects of drought all around us. Here is a little glimpse of our neck of the woods...

This is where Barton Creek used to flow freely. The water level was anywhere from 5- 10 feet. Now it is merely dust and twigs. The fish are gone. The turtles aren't anywhere to be found. The swimming hole is now a sand box.

Lets join together and ask for God's sweet mercy and steady rain to fall upon us. I'm especially praying for this little corner of the earth.
In other news, the horses have arrived this week. After months of prepping the land for their arrival: clearing, fencing, clearing, fencing, paddock building, clearing...they have arrived.
I drove in the other morning and looked across the pasture to see them galloping through the grass and dirt. It took my breath away. We have been reunited with our long lost friends.

The cute little one in the middle is my nephew. He's precious, isn't he? He is also the b.e.s.t. baby I have ever been around in my life (and you know I have been around some good babies in my day).

Okay, okay, I won't forget you guys either...

The donkeys are back too.

This is where Barton Creek used to flow freely. The water level was anywhere from 5- 10 feet. Now it is merely dust and twigs. The fish are gone. The turtles aren't anywhere to be found. The swimming hole is now a sand box.

Lets join together and ask for God's sweet mercy and steady rain to fall upon us. I'm especially praying for this little corner of the earth.
In other news, the horses have arrived this week. After months of prepping the land for their arrival: clearing, fencing, clearing, fencing, paddock building, clearing...they have arrived.
I drove in the other morning and looked across the pasture to see them galloping through the grass and dirt. It took my breath away. We have been reunited with our long lost friends.

The cute little one in the middle is my nephew. He's precious, isn't he? He is also the b.e.s.t. baby I have ever been around in my life (and you know I have been around some good babies in my day).

Okay, okay, I won't forget you guys either...

The donkeys are back too.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Work Out Gear...Check!
Austin Top 10 Continues:
7. If you like to exercise then there is no better apparel than lululemon . They have a location that is 20 minutes from my house and I could do some serious, serious damage there. Basically, I try my very hardest never to go. The couple of things I have gotten from there have persevered beautifully through the running and sweating. Thank you lulu, thank you very much.
7. If you like to exercise then there is no better apparel than lululemon . They have a location that is 20 minutes from my house and I could do some serious, serious damage there. Basically, I try my very hardest never to go. The couple of things I have gotten from there have persevered beautifully through the running and sweating. Thank you lulu, thank you very much.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Java love
I'm going through my Austin faves. Its early in our hill country adventures so this list may be premature but thought it would fun to chronicle.
Growing up our only choice to drink was water. I specifically never drank coffee. I thought it tasted like dirt. I even survived college all-nighters without coffee. I worked 70 plus hours on a political campaign without coffee. I even taught junior high at a private school without coffee.
After I got married, I was working in Dallas and it was a particularly cold winter. There was a Starbucks on the way and usually once a week it would call my name. Since then I have been growing as a connoisseur.
Living near College Station for the last couple of years and all of its coffee experts didn't help either.
If you would like a good drink recommendation I get an iced soy sugar free vanilla caramel macchiato with easy ice :)
So for #8 my favorite thing about Austin is a coffee shop and it is without a competitor. Mozart's. It is a gem. Wonderful for date nights. Great for conversation with old and new friends. Even better for a date with my Bible.
Growing up our only choice to drink was water. I specifically never drank coffee. I thought it tasted like dirt. I even survived college all-nighters without coffee. I worked 70 plus hours on a political campaign without coffee. I even taught junior high at a private school without coffee.
After I got married, I was working in Dallas and it was a particularly cold winter. There was a Starbucks on the way and usually once a week it would call my name. Since then I have been growing as a connoisseur.
Living near College Station for the last couple of years and all of its coffee experts didn't help either.
If you would like a good drink recommendation I get an iced soy sugar free vanilla caramel macchiato with easy ice :)
So for #8 my favorite thing about Austin is a coffee shop and it is without a competitor. Mozart's. It is a gem. Wonderful for date nights. Great for conversation with old and new friends. Even better for a date with my Bible.
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