Sunday, February 27, 2011

Packing is good for the soul

My favorite thing about packing is purging. I love when the "donation" pile grows. When Joe and I packed up our closests today, we came out with 6 bags filled with clothes to donate and 3 bags of trash. I feel lighter already.

With packing, sometimes it has to get worse....

And worse...

and then wait a few weeks before it gets better.

God designed packing for the soul too. Each box I pack is a reminder of how good He has been to us and how grateful we are for the people He has placed in our lives.

I am grateful for friends who are so dear to insist on my girl wearing their precious girl clothes.

Then, I got a break from packing when my dad and Daina came for a visit. Sigh, I will miss their lunch trips.

But one thing I will NOT miss, is this goat. It may look all cute and cuddly, but I really think it may be demon posessed. It has tried to head butt the kids, it trashes the barn bathrooms, and raids the barn office. It will also run after us in the stroller and try to ram us. Who needs a guard dog, when you have a guard goat?

With each box I tape shut, its an opportunity to believe in His trustworthiness.

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