I wanted to write it down so one day I could look back, laugh and remember. Remember leaving people that are more like family, cars, traffic, working with five women within ear shot, shopping, restaurants, and a twelve thousand member church to...
Come to the country (our address doesn't even register in google maps), be a stay at home mom, the baby doesn't talk back, neighbors are not a thing you walk to, and the wind blows like you're on the coast because there is not much around. There were lots of days that I didn't go any place, only talked to people (other than Joe) on the phone, and when I did get to converse with people it was through my best spanglish. Mega-church was a thing of the far distant past and you, as the new person, could be spotted from a mile away.
The last week before we moved, we were hanging out with some friends. A guy that we don't know very well (yet is a very discerning fellow) looked at me with all assurity and said, "Its going to be good." I just excused myself to the next room and weeped until no more tears could come.
Oh does God know what He is doing. It has been good for me, for Joe, for our family, for our future. God knows. He is so sweet to take me kicking and screaming and put me in the center of His precious, glorious and blessed will when what I really deserve is the hot pit of hell itself.
Not that we're leaving the country but I sense the pace of life picking up a bit. Another little blessing on the way, prayers for others to come quickly, sweet relationships, greater job responsibilities...God expanding us.
The scripture that has been resonating in my heart lately:
"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalm 16:5, 6
Regardless of what season we are in, I'm so thankful that I get to look into this man's eyes as we walk this journey together.

I thank God for friends, like you, that have encouraged me and held up my arms on this journey. I love you.